Unraveling Indonesia’s Prospects in 2024
2024 become a turning point for Indonesia, with a government transition going to happen at the end of President Joko Widodo’s 10-year tenure. To assist investors in understanding Indonesia’s investment climate for 2024, Grant Thornton Indonesia published “Unraveling Indonesia’s Prospects in 2024” report. This report will provide Indonesia’s macroeconomic landscape, and the potential by industry sectors and provinces.
This report identifies provinces that has weathered the Covid-19 pandemic storm, even performed better than the pre-pandemic forecast. 5 provinces to watch in 2024 are: (1) North Maluku, (2) Central Sulawesi, (3) East Kalimantan, (4) West Java, and (5) Riau. The report highlighted their respective strength and future economic growth potential.
- Chapter 1: Global Backdrop-Navigating Turbulent 2024
Chapter 2: Indonesia - Resilient Economy to Persist
- Broad Based GDP Growth to Persist
- Inflation Set to Ease in 2024
- Interest Rates and Exchange Rates Outlook
- Unpacking 2024: How Elections, New Capital City, and Nickel Will Shape Indonesia's Future
- Policy Continuity Despite a New Leadership
- IKN- An Attraction for Investment
- Continues Push for Nickel Downstream
Chapter 3: Indonesia Regional Barometer
- North Maluku
- Central Sulawesi
- East Kalimantan
- West Java
- Riau
- Acknowledgement
- Appendix
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